F. Alex Wolf
Lunch Seminar, February 3rd 2016
Institute of Computational Biology
Helmholtz Zentrum München
Philipp ▷ reveal.js, jupyter notebook for teaching
Laleh ▷ pseudotime, diffusion maps
Maren ▷ biology, bioinformatics, ...
Niklas Köhler, Philipp Eulenberg ▷ deep learning
Thomas ▷ classification, imaging flow cytometry data
Fabian, Norbert, Valeriya Naumova ▷ teaching, ML basics
Robert Küffner, Fabian ▷ GRN inference
Transfer entropy
▷ uncertainty in pred. $\simeq$ information flow
▷ applicable to stochastic system
▷ functional coupling
▷ applicable to deterministic (chaotic) system
▷ predict $X_{g'}$ given $X_{g}$:
$$~~~~\hat X_{t g'} | M_{g} = {\textstyle\sum_{\scriptscriptstyle \underline{x}_{t'g}\in\, \mathcal{N}_{t g}}} \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\overbrace{w(\underline{x}_{tg},\underline{x}_{t'g})}^{\text{"selects } t' \text{ based on } M_g \text{"}} \!\!\!\!\!x_{t'g'}$$
▷ predict $X_{g'}$ given $X_{g}$:
$$~~~~\hat X_{t g'} | M_{g} = {\textstyle\sum_{\scriptscriptstyle \underline{x}_{t'g}\in\, \mathcal{N}_{t g}}} \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\overbrace{w(\underline{x}_{tg},\underline{x}_{t'g})}^{\text{"selects } t' \text{ based on } M_g \text{"}} \!\!\!\!\!x_{t'g'}$$
Straight-forward improvements
Conceptual comparisons
Thank you!